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In the late 1940's near the end of World War II, gasoline and tires were ration along with many other essentials. This made it difficult to attend church as the nearest church was several miles away from the Fishertown Community. An obvious solution would have been to purchase a bus. However, a bus was as difficult to acquire as obtaining gas. Mrs. Annie Parks , a resident of the community, contacted several persons she thought may be able to assist. One of those persons was R.M. Efird, and elder of First Presbyterian Church of Kannapolis. As a result of this meeting, the idea of building a community church was ignited. Community members and members of the session from First Presbyterian Church met at Mt. Clarence Moore's store to discuss the possibilities of a community church. Reverend Frank Shirley, field representative for Catawba Presbytery, along with Concord Presbyterian representatives surveyed the site. Efird's Construction Company built the church, furnishing it with a pulpit set, communion table, piano, pews, and two coal heaters.

Under the leadership of Reverend John Fain, Elder R.M. Efird, Elder Wilbur Davis, Elder Harvey Rodgers, and Elder Zeb Bradford of First Presbyterian Church and Reverend Baker of Second Presbyterian Church, services were started with Miss Jean Efird serving as the Pianist. After six months, the Catawba Presbytery sent Reverend McKinley Cochrane to serve as the Supply Minister. Worship services were held each Sunday beginning at 11:00AM. Sunday School was organized by Mrs. Annie Parks with Mr. William R. Johnson serving as the superintendent.


However, we still weren't a church organization; we were a Mission Station/Field under the care of Westminister Presbyterian Church - Concord with Reverend H.W. Wilson serving as moderator. We were growing in number; however, problems arose that were beyond our control and services were discontinued. The property was then sold to the Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod and Reverend Richard Dickerson of Mt. Calvary Church, Kannapolis was in charge. A nursery and Kindergarten class were started and the building was also used for special services.


On December 4, 1957, the Committee on National Missions met with Dr. Harold W. Givens, Dr. James W. Smith Sr. and other interested persons about a Presbyterian Church in the Community. On March 28, 1958, we were notified that the property was purchased by the Board of National Mission of the United Presbyterian Church, USA under the leadership of Dr. Givens, Chairman of the Catawba Presbytery. The group was placed under the care of the Catawba Presbytery with Reverend Raymond Worsley serving as moderator in preparation for an organization.


On October 5, 1958, the Catawba Presbytery met to organize the congregation. The sermon was delivered by Reverend Hercule Wilson, DD; the Statement of Purpose for Ordination and Installation was given by Reverend Elo Henderson, DD. Our organization was then named Covenant United Presbyterian Church, USA. The Declaration was given by Reverend D.G. Burke; the Charge was given by Reverend C.H. Kennedy, DD. There were twenty plus chartered members from which officers were elected. The elected Elders were William R. Johnson, Annie L. Parks and Corine L. Cannon who served as the Clerk of Session. The elected Deacons were Jacob Cannon who served as chairman, Mildred Cannon, Walter Parks and Esau Cannon. The elected Trustees were Alonzo Cannon, Mack Cannon, and Samuel Cannon. Reverend Elo Henderson conducted the Ordination and Installation Service and Reverend Raymond Worsley served as the first moderator.


On June 21, 1959, the Catawba Presbytery met at Covenant Church to ordain and install Reverend William C. Harris as the first Pastor, who served until October 1961. Reverend Justus Alston served as moderator until July 1, 1962; on July 15, 1962, Reverend Leroy Horsley was installed and served until November 1962. Reverend Linson L. Blakeney and Reverend Alston served as co-moderators. On May 17, 1964, Reverend Wilburn M. Sanders began serving as the Stated Supply Pastor and Moderator of the Session until December 31, 1970. Under the leadership of Reverend Sanders, our church edifice was renovated. The church ran under the leadership of Reverend Ray A. Booton on January 3, 1971 who served as Minister and Moderator until December 31, 1979. Reverend Booton developed a spirited service, community interest, increased attendance, and developed a very active Usher Board. Financial efforts improved, allowing many physical improvements to be completed. Reverend Booton encouraged the members to become involved in civic and community activities. One of the activities was a Joint Fellowship Service with the Upper Cabarrus County Churches and Lower Rowan County Churches, held on the third Sunday evening of the month.


Reverend Dr. Joseph A. Gaston, PhD began service as a moderator on January 1, 1980; during this period, the officers and members did a commendable job of keeping the ministry of the church alive. On Wednesday, September 10, 1983, Covenant United Presbyterian Church and First United Presbyterian Church, Concord - at their request and by concurring action of the Catawba Presbytery - came together as a yoked field. The agreed relationship between the two churches was that each congregation would be separate; their ministry, through common ministerial leadership, would be one which would strengthen the ministry of each congregation. Reverend Dr. Joseph A. Gaston ended his leadership in April 1983. The Catawba Presbytery appointed Reverend Curtis Kearns to serve as moderator until July, 1983. Reverend Wilburn Sanders returned as moderator until Reverend Samuel W. Fulwood was appointed to serve.


October 4, 1981, Reverend Clyde W. Cowan came to Covenant as a student supply, he served as moderator until April 1983. In July of 1983, he was ordained in the Yadkin Presbytery. Covenant United Presbyterian Church, USA and First United Presbyterian Church became Presbyterian Churches in 1983 as a result of the merger of the Presbyterian Church of America and the United Presbyterian Church thus forming the Presbyterian Church, USA. In September 1985, Reverend Cowan became ill and was advised to reduce his work load; he became the pastor of Covenant Church. Under his leadership, the church grew and membership increased. Reverend Cowan and the congregation decided in order to meet the needs of our growing congregation and our Christian Outreach Program, an Educational building and Fellowship Hall was needed. The plan was to eventually expand the sanctuary. The Ground Braking and Site Dedication were held on Sunday, October 14, 1990 and two of the phases were completed in 1995. Reverend Cowan lead our church during the improvements to the sanctuary, selling the "House Annex", the purchasing of another house, and adjoining the lot. Reverend Cowan faithfully served until his retirement on December 31, 1999. On Sunday, October 1, 2000, a Mortgage Retirement and Thanksgiving Service was held on our 42nd Church Anniversary. Reverend L. Pharr became our Interim Pastor on March 1, 2000, serving Covenant for eighteen months. Under his leadership, the Fishertown Community Parish Nurse's Office was established, as well as, a Cabarrus County Sheriff Satellite Station.


Reverend Albert Moses was installed as the fourth pastor of Covenant on September 23, 2000. During his tenure, the Computer Lab, Food Bank, and Health Ministry was established; a playground was constructed, and two rental houses were purchased. He led Covenant's faithful march of service to Christ in October 2008 when we celebrated our 50th Church Anniversary; Reverend Albert Moses ended his leadership on October 25, 2009. Covenant continued its faithful journey of service to God from October 25, 2009 to July 9, 2010 without a pastor; our worship services were lead by Reverend Brenda Tapia, Reverend Veronica Cannon and other outstanding pastors.


On August 23, 2010, Reverend Shelia Council came to Covenant as a Supply Pastor; she was a spirited preacher. Reverend Council held a strong belief that each of us plays an important role in the body of Christ and each of us has received a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. Her tenure ended on September 1, 2012. "Thanks Be To God", from September through December 2012, Covenant's spiritual guidance continued with the help of Pastor Patricia Lowe, Pastor Sharon Gray, and Pastor Letisha Wells.


Reverend Alyce Kelly began her tenure as pastor on Sunday, February 3, 2013, with her first official sermon; she served at Covenant until May 5, 2013. In the absence of a pastor, the Charlotte Presbytery assigned Elder Sam Reid to act as Moderator to the Session. Elder Reid, guided by the Holy Spirit, served on Covenant's Session with wisdom; he was reassigned to serve another church.


On January 4, 2015, Reverend Herbert G. Hill, Sr was installed as the Part-time Pastor of Covenant. Reverend Hill is a Spirit-filled servant of God who brings God's Word to the people, strives to help the church transform into a church of the 21st century, meets the needs of the people, and finds new ways to spread the Word.

5835 Charlie Walker Road • Kannapolis, NC 28081|Phone: 704.932.7522 | Fax: 704.932.8844 | Email:

© 2025 Covenant Presbyterian Church | Proudly Designed by Chill Designs. 

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